Seems to be a ~generic~ statement doesn't it! One that makes you question others or yourself when its said. What does ~O.k.~ mean.....good bad or indifferent?! I seem to say that alot. Its the first thing that comes out of my mouth ~O.k.~! How are you? O.k.! Hows the kids? O.k.? Hows your husband? O.k.? How was lunch? It was O.k!
Funny to see it in print.........I don't want to be arrogant and say ,Fan-freakintastic~ or Gloomy and say It Sucks............that one tends to throw people ha ha. Its funny because most people just ask as ~generically~ as our response. Since Ive worked for the public most of my life I throw people for ~thanking them~ when Ive been the one to help. Its also another generic response......Thank You! I Thank everyone just out of habit. Maybe I'm from that Era of OKs and Thank yous?!
I appreciate it tho in a weird kinda way. I want to think everyone IS OK! I want to Thank people for being kind, helpful or just for being them! So, I'm going to say its ~O.k. to say O.k. and Thank people~ So, is good and it is O.K. (= Thank you for stopping by and have a Great week!!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
My husband and I will be going to Dallas tomorrow so he can begin his treatments on Wednesday. He will recieve radiation for his brain tumor that was removed and also an oral chemo. Please keep him and our family in your prayers!
Much Love,
Much Love,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
100 posts
I just noticed between my 3 Blogs I have posted over a 100 Blogs now!! WOW, that is amazing! I didn't think Id ever have anything to say when I started this.......haha guess I was wrong!
Hope you continue to read and or enjoy my Blogs! I skip all over the place, some are personal, humorous, cynical, bitchy, inspirational and just plain Blogging!
So, enjoy! Comment all you the in-put!
Hope you continue to read and or enjoy my Blogs! I skip all over the place, some are personal, humorous, cynical, bitchy, inspirational and just plain Blogging!
So, enjoy! Comment all you the in-put!
Monday, September 6, 2010
We had a good 3days and I hope you did too! That's my confession................that's kinda boring isn't it lol! Just figured I should Blog something on here today!
I Blogged on my other two so I'm Blogged out! I hope everyone had a safe, happy holiday full of fun and memories! Much love my Blogging Buddies! Next time Ill try to come up with something ~juicy~!!
I Blogged on my other two so I'm Blogged out! I hope everyone had a safe, happy holiday full of fun and memories! Much love my Blogging Buddies! Next time Ill try to come up with something ~juicy~!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Seems I confessed on the Gripe Site so nothing to say tonight! I hope all my Blogger friends are Happy and Well and enjoying the rest of the summer! My husband and I were able to take a well deserved vacation to Crystal Beach, we have not done this just the two of us in 21 1/2 this is why it was well deserved (= ~~WILL POST PICS THIS WEEK AND IM EXCITED TO SHOW THEM OFF~~
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
You know those people, you see them at your weekly shopping mart,you know someone they know but wouldn't necessarily call a friend. I have many acquaintances, I don't know some of their names, but I always remember their face.
So one of these ''Acquaintances'' I will refer to as ''AQ'' decided she would tell me her life story one day at work and ask me pending her up coming divorce if I knew any single men! Her preferences were -a non alcoholic,has a home, but especially has a job lol . She seemed normal and her requirements were pretty basic, so my quest began!
I had NO idea what I was getting into. Im starting to believe I was set up !!
So one of these ''Acquaintances'' I will refer to as ''AQ'' decided she would tell me her life story one day at work and ask me pending her up coming divorce if I knew any single men! Her preferences were -a non alcoholic,has a home, but especially has a job lol . She seemed normal and her requirements were pretty basic, so my quest began!
I had NO idea what I was getting into. Im starting to believe I was set up !!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I am one of the few people enjoying the summer E. Tx heat! I hate the cold and even tho this heat is stifling it makes me feel better! I seem to find sweating doesn't bother me like it ust to....I guess its a good thing I came to this conclusion or I would be miserable!
Just the feel of the sun shine is invigorating! Maybe the hot flashes the last year has geared me up for this summer lol Now I do realize I do not work outside and would probably have a whole different attitude about it if I did! (or so my family insists lol)
I see the sunshine as happy and not depressing! I believe I have the ~winter blues~ so the closer to summer the more excited I get! I have found myself this year just going outside with a drink and sitting alone enjoying the ''heat'' and quiet! I believe I am the only crazy one doing this with-out a pool lol
Where do you live? Whats been going on in your neck of the woods, mountains, desert or ocean view?
Just the feel of the sun shine is invigorating! Maybe the hot flashes the last year has geared me up for this summer lol Now I do realize I do not work outside and would probably have a whole different attitude about it if I did! (or so my family insists lol)
I see the sunshine as happy and not depressing! I believe I have the ~winter blues~ so the closer to summer the more excited I get! I have found myself this year just going outside with a drink and sitting alone enjoying the ''heat'' and quiet! I believe I am the only crazy one doing this with-out a pool lol
Where do you live? Whats been going on in your neck of the woods, mountains, desert or ocean view?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Has this happened to you? You just finished stuffing your face with sodium-filled Chinese food, when the waitress delivers your bill complete with a psychic-powered cookie. My husband opens his and it states, “People appreciate your fun loving personality.” My other friends open theirs and there oozing with goodness and riches!
If your blood wasn’t now moving at water driplet speed, it would boil as you belt, “This cookie is empty! Why, it’s no fortune at all. NOTHING!!. But what are the fortune cookie Gods trying to tell me !” Am I not worthy?!Unfortunately for your Ass, you’ve consumed a weekend’s worth of calories in thirty minutes. So you grunt, loosen your belt, and grab a toothpick on your way out the door.
With the power of mathematics, I’ve taken it upon myself to expose fortune cookie manufacturers’ evil plot to cheat us and do 1 out of 10 empty so as you ponder your future until your next highly salted msg meal!
According to this one............I have no its all in how you take it I guess..........ughhh how do you take it? Am I not worthy of one or is my life so freaking fantastic they cant find one to fit me! Yea.............
If your blood wasn’t now moving at water driplet speed, it would boil as you belt, “This cookie is empty! Why, it’s no fortune at all. NOTHING!!. But what are the fortune cookie Gods trying to tell me !” Am I not worthy?!Unfortunately for your Ass, you’ve consumed a weekend’s worth of calories in thirty minutes. So you grunt, loosen your belt, and grab a toothpick on your way out the door.
With the power of mathematics, I’ve taken it upon myself to expose fortune cookie manufacturers’ evil plot to cheat us and do 1 out of 10 empty so as you ponder your future until your next highly salted msg meal!
According to this one............I have no its all in how you take it I guess..........ughhh how do you take it? Am I not worthy of one or is my life so freaking fantastic they cant find one to fit me! Yea.............
fortune cookie,
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
CEO BP Tony Hayward
Tony Hayward of BP had the nerve to comment that HE wanted His life do the families of the 11 that died as do all the people that survived, all the people who have lost their lively hood, the Marsh Lands, the animals, the volunteers and the YEARS of damage this has caused. YOU want your life back...........seriously?!!
The people in the Region of the spill feel helpless. There is nothing they can do, so for the sake of them, I would avoid public statements such as this! The President Of The United States made a statement that if he were bp he would have already fired him! This man may need to step back and only read the speeches wrote for him!
Lets all pray someone can get this catastrophe under control and soon!
The people in the Region of the spill feel helpless. There is nothing they can do, so for the sake of them, I would avoid public statements such as this! The President Of The United States made a statement that if he were bp he would have already fired him! This man may need to step back and only read the speeches wrote for him!
Lets all pray someone can get this catastrophe under control and soon!
oil spill,
tony hayward
Teacher Fired For Pre-Marital Sex
Hummmmmmm...................................That may be a tuff one! I wonder how many teachers or even Presidents would have a career if that was the criteria?! Is this what the job market has come to? Do we judge our employees on merit or if they've had sex before?!
Now I could see if you were at a Nunnery where celibacy was a requirement. I think if we can just get some of the teachers to not have sex with the students that would be a plus! We just had a similar circumstance in our small town and to me THATS appalling!
I honestly could care less what their sex life was as long as its not a topic of conversation or done on a class-room table.....................just my opinion!
Now I could see if you were at a Nunnery where celibacy was a requirement. I think if we can just get some of the teachers to not have sex with the students that would be a plus! We just had a similar circumstance in our small town and to me THATS appalling!
I honestly could care less what their sex life was as long as its not a topic of conversation or done on a class-room table.....................just my opinion!
pre-marital sex,
Saturday, May 29, 2010

I love the..... commercial who has Gumbie, The Sock Monkey etc. The sock monkey costume really impresses me......guess it doesn't take much lol
We were going thru our grandmothers house a few weeks back and as we looked thru the boxes I became so excited! I actually ''YELLED'' Sock Monkey. It was too funny they didn't know if I was crazy or just converting back to my childhood!
It did bring back a flood of memories. Memories of innocence,of spending time with my grandmother crocheting,quilting,making sock monkeys even pet that's a whole other story on the pet rock thing .
But, the one that I hold dear was the original brown and white one! We would crochet ,quilt them and just sew them up from scrap! I miss those days and God do I miss her! She taught me so much of the 'simple'' life! You know just doing stuff at home, being creative, using what you had on hand and this took creativity etc.
She also was a well known Artist. Her work is all over- from E TX to Holly Wood And beyond! I just feel the need to say ,''THANK YOU GRANDMOTHER AND I WISHED ID LISTENED BETTER..........YOU ARE ONE OF MY HERO'S AND ANGELS, LOVE YOU!
pet rock,
sock monkey
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I just noticed my posts on this site are extremely random. I go from Tanning to -Sex And The City -to Church! I guess that just goes to show I'm very versatile huh!
I really have no confessions etc today just thought it was funny and figured I should acknowledge that or people may think I'm ''imbalanced'' or a little ''out-there''!
Actually I hate to tell you I'm neither. I just roll with the punches and say whats on my mind or what ''bugs'' or me makes me happy/sad/glad on any given day!
That's it folks........................
Have an awsum Memorial Day Weekend! Be safe - Be Happy and DON'T Drink and Drive!!
I really have no confessions etc today just thought it was funny and figured I should acknowledge that or people may think I'm ''imbalanced'' or a little ''out-there''!
Actually I hate to tell you I'm neither. I just roll with the punches and say whats on my mind or what ''bugs'' or me makes me happy/sad/glad on any given day!
That's it folks........................
Have an awsum Memorial Day Weekend! Be safe - Be Happy and DON'T Drink and Drive!!
memorial day,
Sex And The City,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
As we attended church Sunday it was bitter sweet! We had an awsum service congratulating the High School Seniors, their accomplishments and keeping God in their life.
The bitter sweet part is our Pastor is moving to another Church. They need him and he will do great things there Im sure, but he will be greatly missed.
I pray we get someone who will continue to lift up our Church Family and Community.
The bitter sweet part is our Pastor is moving to another Church. They need him and he will do great things there Im sure, but he will be greatly missed.
I pray we get someone who will continue to lift up our Church Family and Community.
Monday, May 17, 2010
I am a SEX AND THE CITY FAN!!!! I love-love-love it!! My friends laugh because I have all of us as the characters.....noone wants to admit to being Samantha lmao. I think we all have alittle of her in us.
I have already set up a date with the girls of drinks (cosmos of course) and a movie!
After we watch it Ill be back on with rave reviews Im sure! Im sooooo excited....I love me some Aiden and Mr Big (=
Everyone go watch it too and come back and tell me your review and best or worst parts! Im sure youll love it......
I have already set up a date with the girls of drinks (cosmos of course) and a movie!
After we watch it Ill be back on with rave reviews Im sure! Im sooooo excited....I love me some Aiden and Mr Big (=
Everyone go watch it too and come back and tell me your review and best or worst parts! Im sure youll love it......
Sex And The City
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I have Owned and Operated a Tanning Buisness for over 20yrs off and on.....mainly on! Indoor tanning was actually invented in Europe as a Theraputic exercise to help elevate vitamin D levels. Humans make an estimated 90% of their Vitamin D from sun exposure to the skin, with UVB in sunlight triggering natural vitamin D production. With research now connecting vitamin D sufficiency with lower rates of many cancers, heart disease, multiple sclerosos, osteoporous, and many other disorders, with our modern day lifestyles which is denying the body regular UV exposure.
Professional indoor tanning industry is doing its part to help individuals of all skin types minimize their risks by teaching them how to avoid sunburn at all costs.
Alot of negative studies do not take into consideration confounding variables such as outdoor exposure to sunlight,childhood sunburns,type of tanning equiptment utilized and the duration and quantity of exposure.
I did not allow my customers to tan over 5-7mins their first session.(went up in 2min increments) You never tanned over 15min, more than once in a 24hr period and if they were ever red or sun burnt I did not allow them to tan period! Thats responsibile buisness. I know all Salons were not like me, but on the most part they are.
The Tanning Industry gets a bad rap and like anything we do can be abused. Espically when many patrons abuse the sun and own their own beds. Tanning in moderation can help medically (as it does me with fibromyalgia), and as above stated, is a great source of Vitamin D. There are side effects to ANYTHING you do! IF you tan in moderation IF you tan sensibly IF you do as instructed and IF you keep a close eye on your body and ANY abnormal moles etc you CAN tan successfully IF you are opposed to tanning then dont and IF your family heridity includes skin cancer then common sense should tell you NOT to tan! Every choice we make comes with consequences, be wise and do whats best for you! If you do not tan in the sun then odds are you will not tan indoors....again be wise!I dont like Dr Pepper , so I choose not to drink it.......its that simple (-;
Professional indoor tanning industry is doing its part to help individuals of all skin types minimize their risks by teaching them how to avoid sunburn at all costs.
Alot of negative studies do not take into consideration confounding variables such as outdoor exposure to sunlight,childhood sunburns,type of tanning equiptment utilized and the duration and quantity of exposure.
I did not allow my customers to tan over 5-7mins their first session.(went up in 2min increments) You never tanned over 15min, more than once in a 24hr period and if they were ever red or sun burnt I did not allow them to tan period! Thats responsibile buisness. I know all Salons were not like me, but on the most part they are.
The Tanning Industry gets a bad rap and like anything we do can be abused. Espically when many patrons abuse the sun and own their own beds. Tanning in moderation can help medically (as it does me with fibromyalgia), and as above stated, is a great source of Vitamin D. There are side effects to ANYTHING you do! IF you tan in moderation IF you tan sensibly IF you do as instructed and IF you keep a close eye on your body and ANY abnormal moles etc you CAN tan successfully IF you are opposed to tanning then dont and IF your family heridity includes skin cancer then common sense should tell you NOT to tan! Every choice we make comes with consequences, be wise and do whats best for you! If you do not tan in the sun then odds are you will not tan indoors....again be wise!I dont like Dr Pepper , so I choose not to drink it.......its that simple (-;
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Gripe Site
I decided from my post on ''The Gripe Site'', that I should reward myself for all my diligent work these days! So what did I want? I want a weekend at the beach with the girls......thats what I want! Truthfully, I already had this planned before I set the seed in the hubbies head! Gotta love 'em.
So, thats exactly what Im going to do and my hubbie the awsum guy that he is said,'' I dont care if you go baby!'' THEN he says......''How much is it gonna cost me??!'' Now normally this would have set me off, but we are dealing with College kids etc and I did shut down my busness, so technically it is ''his'' money. Ughh I hate to even write that. (note: I have worked straight for 35yrs) I told him he'd know when I got back.....sound good?
I didnt want to tell him the Condo was free, because its a friends Aunts. Why didnt I want him to know? Because I was in the process of sharing this information when he asked THE question!! So now he will have to sweat it out until my safe arrival home lol Yes, I did say it was ''technically'' his money, BUT its ''technically'' my pride when he asks THAT question (-;
I figure after helping to buy the bacon,cooking the bacon and serving up the bacon for 26yrs he would have learned NOT to ask certain questions lol Men never learn....some questions are ment to be thought but not said. Hummmm........I think I need some new clothes for this 3day trip......yep, that should help my pride!!
So, thats exactly what Im going to do and my hubbie the awsum guy that he is said,'' I dont care if you go baby!'' THEN he says......''How much is it gonna cost me??!'' Now normally this would have set me off, but we are dealing with College kids etc and I did shut down my busness, so technically it is ''his'' money. Ughh I hate to even write that. (note: I have worked straight for 35yrs) I told him he'd know when I got back.....sound good?
I didnt want to tell him the Condo was free, because its a friends Aunts. Why didnt I want him to know? Because I was in the process of sharing this information when he asked THE question!! So now he will have to sweat it out until my safe arrival home lol Yes, I did say it was ''technically'' his money, BUT its ''technically'' my pride when he asks THAT question (-;
I figure after helping to buy the bacon,cooking the bacon and serving up the bacon for 26yrs he would have learned NOT to ask certain questions lol Men never learn....some questions are ment to be thought but not said. Hummmm........I think I need some new clothes for this 3day trip......yep, that should help my pride!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Whats the deal here? Why does the concept of having a confession freak people out? I have never known ''anyone'' who doesnt have a daily mishap! This is a blog to make lite of it, ease your conscience or even just thought it was funny or nice!!
So, I will start a daily confession, it maybe something I did or something I be cont.............
So, I will start a daily confession, it maybe something I did or something I be cont.............
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Jesse James-Tiger Woods.....
Do we really care and if so why? What do we care about, that they are over indulgent asses with an entitled personality! Seriously, I think people are giving them too much attention at the risk of not caring about the spouses. Would you or have you had your personal life broadcasted to anyone who would listen?
I have never been in that situation to date, but have had a many of friends who have. So, what does this have to do with ~confessions~? I would like to know your opinion of the media and what they are doing to the spouses of these losers?! Im just curious if Im the only one who thinks this has gone too far publicly!
I can tell you this, if it was my husband, I wouldnt have missed with the golf club (-;
I have never been in that situation to date, but have had a many of friends who have. So, what does this have to do with ~confessions~? I would like to know your opinion of the media and what they are doing to the spouses of these losers?! Im just curious if Im the only one who thinks this has gone too far publicly!
I can tell you this, if it was my husband, I wouldnt have missed with the golf club (-;
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The 80s
Ok, I will confess.... I loved the 80s! I loved the BIG hair,the music,the movies and espically the clothes.
I was a Flash Dance Fanatic! The movie truly inspired me. I couldnt wait to get home and practice the dance moves! I actually had the scene where her feet were going a hundred miles an hour down! I could do that.... yes, I am saying this with a beam of pride and a smirk.
I bought a ton of sweat shirts and became a pro at cutting them out! My friends would ask me to do theirs. (again beaming and smirking) I was a hair stylist at a ~Happening Salon~ and it was the perfect place to represent the sweat shirts,the big hair AND create it also. Back then, if the top of your hair didnt touch your visor when you got into your wasnt big enough! I am from Texas and you know the saying,''The bigger the better!'' I loved it!
The music was awsum and very few groups have been able to achieve that Notoriety since. I mean who could ever come close to The Eagles,Styx,REO,Van Halen,Boston,Peter Frampton,Rush,Hall an Oats,Cindy Lauper, Poison (prayers are with Brett Michael and his family) and so-so many more! Remember all the ''One Hit Wonders'' such a great Era. Just the mention of these artist brings back a flood of memories!
So, my confession.......I LOVED the 80s......I AM AN 80S GIRL....There I said it and again ''Beaming and Smirking.''
I was a Flash Dance Fanatic! The movie truly inspired me. I couldnt wait to get home and practice the dance moves! I actually had the scene where her feet were going a hundred miles an hour down! I could do that.... yes, I am saying this with a beam of pride and a smirk.
I bought a ton of sweat shirts and became a pro at cutting them out! My friends would ask me to do theirs. (again beaming and smirking) I was a hair stylist at a ~Happening Salon~ and it was the perfect place to represent the sweat shirts,the big hair AND create it also. Back then, if the top of your hair didnt touch your visor when you got into your wasnt big enough! I am from Texas and you know the saying,''The bigger the better!'' I loved it!
The music was awsum and very few groups have been able to achieve that Notoriety since. I mean who could ever come close to The Eagles,Styx,REO,Van Halen,Boston,Peter Frampton,Rush,Hall an Oats,Cindy Lauper, Poison (prayers are with Brett Michael and his family) and so-so many more! Remember all the ''One Hit Wonders'' such a great Era. Just the mention of these artist brings back a flood of memories!
So, my confession.......I LOVED the 80s......I AM AN 80S GIRL....There I said it and again ''Beaming and Smirking.''
I Love.............
Malcomb In The Middle and Everyone Hates Chris, they have that humor that I can relate to.
Middle class families with real problems and probably similar behavior that no one wants to admit to! I Tivo them Daily.
While Im sitting in my living room and everyone is asleep I watch them as I Blog. Actually, its more like I listen to them. I find myself chuckling as I listen and write without ever looking up from my key board!
What do you listen to while you blog?!
Middle class families with real problems and probably similar behavior that no one wants to admit to! I Tivo them Daily.
While Im sitting in my living room and everyone is asleep I watch them as I Blog. Actually, its more like I listen to them. I find myself chuckling as I listen and write without ever looking up from my key board!
What do you listen to while you blog?!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
1) When was the last time you said ~I Love You~ and who to?
My boys and husband...we kinda have a ~Walton~ thing that goes on every night love you-love you-love you-love you-... nite mom - nite dad x2- nite son-nite son x2....then for some reason it goes back to you you....etc kinda funny at their age that they still do that! Guess old habits are hard to break lol
2) When and why did you start Blogging?
A few friends and I decided we wanted to try something different and heard blogging was fun ,so 2wks ago we started and now here we are! LUV IT!
3) Have you seen or heard that someone did something in the last week and youve thought, ~I cant BELIEVE they just did that OR Oh no they didnt!~ if so whatd they do?
Actually yes, I have a 22yr old son, a `Lady~ and I use that term lightly ( 35ish) came up to my son AND his G.F. and proceeded to say, ~ OMG I cant believe you are alllll grown up, how old are you now ,she proceeds to hug him pat him etc! Again, his G.F. is right beside him. THEN she says with a wink in her eye ~ Cool, your legal now~
Im thinkin ~ ON NO SHE DIDNT~......Hope I dont run across her for awhile ,I may have to help her ~wink~ that other eye!!(-;
4)What is your guilty pleasure??
Chocolate, Real Dill Pickles and an Ice Cold Drink in the Summer......
Now that wasnt so painful was it.....these are all a form of confessions......
My boys and husband...we kinda have a ~Walton~ thing that goes on every night love you-love you-love you-love you-... nite mom - nite dad x2- nite son-nite son x2....then for some reason it goes back to you you....etc kinda funny at their age that they still do that! Guess old habits are hard to break lol
2) When and why did you start Blogging?
A few friends and I decided we wanted to try something different and heard blogging was fun ,so 2wks ago we started and now here we are! LUV IT!
3) Have you seen or heard that someone did something in the last week and youve thought, ~I cant BELIEVE they just did that OR Oh no they didnt!~ if so whatd they do?
Actually yes, I have a 22yr old son, a `Lady~ and I use that term lightly ( 35ish) came up to my son AND his G.F. and proceeded to say, ~ OMG I cant believe you are alllll grown up, how old are you now ,she proceeds to hug him pat him etc! Again, his G.F. is right beside him. THEN she says with a wink in her eye ~ Cool, your legal now~
Im thinkin ~ ON NO SHE DIDNT~......Hope I dont run across her for awhile ,I may have to help her ~wink~ that other eye!!(-;
4)What is your guilty pleasure??
Chocolate, Real Dill Pickles and an Ice Cold Drink in the Summer......
Now that wasnt so painful was it.....these are all a form of confessions......
My Sunday Movie Review.....
I belong to that ever growing club, ~The Netflixers~! Its so much easier than renting movies and paying more for the late fees than you did to actually rent the movies! Ive enjoyd it tremendously. You can pick new Movies, Old movies...well you get the point.
This week I had seen previews on two True Stories I believed would be good and probably more a girls movie. One was called ~Bright Star~ and the other ~The Stoning Of Soraya M.~. Bright Star is about the Poet John Keets who died at 25 thinking he was a failure and is now recognized as one of the Most Famous Romantic Poet Of our time.
The other The Stoning Of Soraya M. is a true story set back in 1986,its about a husband who plots to have his wife (Soraya M.)falsely accused of adultry so he can divorce her and marry a young girl. French Journalist Freidoune is pulled into this tragic story when he meets a desperate woman named Zahra.
Both movies started off slow and Soraya had sub titles in it, but they actually turned out to be very good and insiteful movies. I was impressed and saddened at some of the turn of events in both movies! So, it is my opinion you will not go wrong if you rent either. I was extremely touched by Soraya M.s story. I havent seen many movies these days that didnt contain cursing or sex somewhere in them, so that was a nice change.
I will post reviews every Sunday, next will be The Documentary made in Japan on the Dolphin Killings. That one may be tuff to watch, but I have seen so much on it the last year I feel I must at least attempt to watch. I can not recall the name, but will post when I find it.
As far as new movies to see at the Theatre, Death at a Funeral, is on that list. My boys went to see it and said they have never laughed so hard in their life! Not as wholesome or pure as the two above, but halarious. Its all in what you think is funny! I would probably love it too...
Have an Awsum week (-;
This week I had seen previews on two True Stories I believed would be good and probably more a girls movie. One was called ~Bright Star~ and the other ~The Stoning Of Soraya M.~. Bright Star is about the Poet John Keets who died at 25 thinking he was a failure and is now recognized as one of the Most Famous Romantic Poet Of our time.
The other The Stoning Of Soraya M. is a true story set back in 1986,its about a husband who plots to have his wife (Soraya M.)falsely accused of adultry so he can divorce her and marry a young girl. French Journalist Freidoune is pulled into this tragic story when he meets a desperate woman named Zahra.
Both movies started off slow and Soraya had sub titles in it, but they actually turned out to be very good and insiteful movies. I was impressed and saddened at some of the turn of events in both movies! So, it is my opinion you will not go wrong if you rent either. I was extremely touched by Soraya M.s story. I havent seen many movies these days that didnt contain cursing or sex somewhere in them, so that was a nice change.
I will post reviews every Sunday, next will be The Documentary made in Japan on the Dolphin Killings. That one may be tuff to watch, but I have seen so much on it the last year I feel I must at least attempt to watch. I can not recall the name, but will post when I find it.
As far as new movies to see at the Theatre, Death at a Funeral, is on that list. My boys went to see it and said they have never laughed so hard in their life! Not as wholesome or pure as the two above, but halarious. Its all in what you think is funny! I would probably love it too...
Have an Awsum week (-;
Its 5:00 SomeWhere.......Just Not Here......
As you may see its 3:00am here, pretty close to 5 I guess haha I cant sleep (which is not unusual), but this IS alittle late lol Ive decided Im a freak of nature and I can live on 3-4 hrs sleep daily!! When I heard how Micheal Jackson died I could relate, espically if he JUST wanted sleep..... Peaceful-uninterrupted sleep!.
Im so jealous when someone says they slept all night and half of the next day ''HOW'' IS MY QUESTION? This will probably be a reacurring blog for me. Yes, Ive done everything from perscription meds to herbal tea and suppliments. I believe some people are not genetically designed for much sleep, I should really apply for one of those sleep studies, they wouldnt know what to do with me! Probably pass me around from study to study like an awsum Lab Rat.
Now again there is always a plus side.......I have had the opportunity to work on my Blog, read my messages/comments and see how many neat people are on here! So, the moral to this Blog is......if your gonna be up late, theres worse things to do than Blog. Good night folks!!
Im so jealous when someone says they slept all night and half of the next day ''HOW'' IS MY QUESTION? This will probably be a reacurring blog for me. Yes, Ive done everything from perscription meds to herbal tea and suppliments. I believe some people are not genetically designed for much sleep, I should really apply for one of those sleep studies, they wouldnt know what to do with me! Probably pass me around from study to study like an awsum Lab Rat.
Now again there is always a plus side.......I have had the opportunity to work on my Blog, read my messages/comments and see how many neat people are on here! So, the moral to this Blog is......if your gonna be up late, theres worse things to do than Blog. Good night folks!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
O.K. so I will start this off, I cheated on my diet! I tried to be good, I did the whole subway turkey sandwhich thing! It all began to fall apart when I added the chips and double chocolate fudge dreamy cookie delight!!! I did top it off with a dt coke..................does that count (-;
''Confession'', doesnt have to be a dirty word, it can be as easy as cutting someone off in traffic, to doing a good deed of mowing the neighbors lawn. Do you have a crush on someone you shouldnt,have you borrowed something and never intended on returning it or just havent,does that hair style really look BAD on your BFF and your just not telling her,did you watch someone walk around with toliet paper stuck to their shoe or their dress tucked into their panty hose,did you not tell your boss they had something stuck in their teeth,did you write a check knowing you didnt have the money?! Are you secretly donating to various charitable organizations and your spouse doesnt know,are you making up excuses why you arent on that pew every Sunday,are you helping a neighbor with their chores,did you help an elderly lady across the street,did you find a wallet and return it OR did you keep it,did you drop that rib eye on the floor and use the ''5 second rule'!!!
The possibilities of a Confession are endless.....good and bad! Yes, there are as many ''good'' confessions as bad. So, tell us your secret..... we wont tell! Theres always someone whose done it, thinking bout it or wants to read about it!
The possibilities of a Confession are endless.....good and bad! Yes, there are as many ''good'' confessions as bad. So, tell us your secret..... we wont tell! Theres always someone whose done it, thinking bout it or wants to read about it!
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