Saturday, July 10, 2010


I am one of the few people enjoying the summer E. Tx heat! I hate the cold and even tho this heat is stifling it makes me feel better! I seem to find sweating doesn't bother me like it ust to....I guess its a good thing I came to this conclusion or I would be miserable!

Just the feel of the sun shine is invigorating! Maybe the hot flashes the last year has geared me up for this summer lol Now I do realize I do not work outside and would probably have a whole different attitude about it if I did! (or so my family insists lol)

I see the sunshine as happy and not depressing! I believe I have the ~winter blues~ so the closer to summer the more excited I get! I have found myself this year just going outside with a drink and sitting alone enjoying the ''heat'' and quiet! I believe I am the only crazy one doing this with-out a pool lol

Where do you live? Whats been going on in your neck of the woods, mountains, desert or ocean view?